When Jesus cleansed the temple of the moneychangers the Jews demanded to know in what authority He was acting.

But He was speaking of the temple of His body. So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken. (John 2:21-22 NASB)It's neat how the Lord will show us it was Him all along, when He pulls back the veil of our understanding and helps us to see that He truly was in control of the situation, that He was the one working behind the scenes. And oh how that helps us believe in Him all the more.
The neat thing is that because He knows us so well, and knows we need reaffirmations, He leaves little breadcrumbs of belief so that we will come to full faith in Him. That's just how much He loves us!
I'm grateful for this nugget from John 2. How about you? What did the Lord speak to you today? BTW, today was a tough day, physically. If you've suffered headaches and physical discomfort from fasting, you're not alone. But it will get better ... I promise! And the Lord will continue speaking in even more clear ways. I can't wait to hear from you so let me know what God is doing in your life!
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