As we look at the images of the devastation left in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, our hearts are pricked. The question is, will we quickly heal from the prick or will we be pierced to the core and do something about it? I pray that we will do something.

I believe this is the beauty of the Body of Christ. Each member is different and has a different purpose. And as each member receives their instructions directly from the Head of the Body, the Work gets accomplished - as long as each one does the "something" they're supposed to do.
Your something may be HUGE. Or it may be small. It might be simply writing a check and sending it to a "boots-on-the-ground" agency there in Haiti. Or maybe it's collecting medical items to send to Haiti. Maybe it's going to Haiti yourself. (Ideas.) What are you supposed to do? Whatever it is, do YOUR something. And God will be honored.