Monday, January 26, 2009

21 Days of Consecration - Day 16, John 16 - Don't Stumble!

One of the most important things about racing is "don't fall down!" It doesn't matter how fast you are, it's hard to recover from a fall. Even in a marathon when speed isn't as important, it's important to stay on your feet. And what about just being out for a leisurely stroll - stumbling is no fun.

We are into the last week of our 21 Days of Consecration. The finish line is just around the bend. You can hear the distant chant of those gathered around the checkered flag. You can smell the fresh-baked bread of champions. (OK, maybe I've been fasting too long!!! [Grin]) But we're almost there. Don't stumble now! Listen to Jesus:
"These things I have spoken to you so that you may be kept from stumbling." (John 16:1 NASB)
While this is talking about stumbling in our overall walk with the Lord, let me apply it to our 21 Days of Consecration. You've come so far and made such great strides in your personal consecration. Whether you've been fasting, giving up some pleasure/leisure to replace it with spiritual intimacy or reading through John one chapter at a time, don't give up now! Kick it up! Pick up the pace! Press on to through the week to the finish line! Finish strong! And if you haven't joined in, start today! There's still time to finish strong!

As a reminder, this week we are focusing on the loved ones in our lives who are in captivity in some area of their lives. We are "standing in the gap" for them, praying, loving and sharing (when appropriate). Later today we'll be compiling the list of all the names that were turned in for prayer and will be sharing them with our prayer team. If you'd like a copy of that list, just let me know and we'll get it to you.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of 21 Days. It's been a powerful time. Let's encourage each other to finish strong!


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