This past Sunday afternoon I had the opportunity to lead a group of people through a new document we've developed to help newcomers get a feel for the ministry. The session is called "CCI 101" and we give out a 16 page booklet that contains a lot of information: history, purpose, beliefs, leadership, uniquenesses, how to plug in, etc. I want to highlight one section from the booklet - the section on Purpose:
Christian Challenge exists to make disciples. In the Great Commission Jesus left one command: “Make Disciples!” Everything else was extra … going, teaching, baptizing … all of these things were the background, the processes, but the command was to make disciples.What is a disciple? The dictionary defines a disciple as “one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another” or “a convinced adherent of a school or individual”. These definitions speak well enough, but we define a disciple as a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ who loves Him and wants to be like Him. A disciple is one who is implementing the three core actions of Christian Challenge:
All of the ministries of Christian Challenge revolve around these three core motivations. This is what a disciple does. This is what a disciple IS.
- Love God (Worship)
- Love Others (Fellowship)
- Serve the World (Evangelism)
There you have it. That's what Christian Challenge is all about. I'm excited and honored to get to serve such a wonderful group of believers who truly want to make an impact on our world. I've shared with our staff that although we can't change the world, we can change the world of the people around us. Thanks, Christian Challenge, for being that kind of people. Truly...
I LOVE serving Jesus with YOU!
P.S. Anybody know what the "I" in "CCI" stands for? Do you know what it stood for before it stands for what it stands for now? Take "CCI-101" next time we offer it and you'll find out!!! [G] If you know what it is, leave me a comment!
It stands for "Inissiate"... just kidding!!!
I know what it is! But I won't spoil it for everyone else!
ROFL!!! That's too funny!
Thanks for not spoiling it for everyone else.
BTW, for everyone else, the inside joke is that during my sermon on Sunday I talked about God initiating things in our lives, but I kept pronouncing it "inissiating" ... I don't have a lisp but for some reason that word just would come out right. So the staff gave me a hard time during staff meeting on Monday. I try to keep them on their toes ... glad they were listening!
I'm just grateful that you weren't
CCI Chritian Challenge Institute, no, no it is Intuition yeah that is the ticket! :-)
I read the CCI 101 book...
Good one, Rich! Some would say I probably need to be "institutionalized" at times - right now my brain is so over-squozen I would welcome the breather! [GRIN]
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