Patrick had been in communication w/Bro. Tamang for some time and he had arranged much of our stay, hotel, meeting rooms, restaurants, etc. Bro. Tamang greeted us by placing delicate yellow welcoming sashes around our necks and it was off to the hotel. They told me I could ride up front so naturally I walked to the passenger side ... and there was a steering wheel there! We all laughed and I went around to the other side. (This has happened several times!) Then we headed into town, to our hotel and to our beds!
Sunday morning we arose with anticipation of being able to worship with other believers. Prio to heading out to church some of the brothers met us at the hotel and we had a wonderful breakfast together. We would be meeting with 6 candidates from all across Nepal and they would be arriving throughout the day. Our official meetings will begin tomorrow.

After church we headed back to the hotel and let me tell you, driving through Nepal is quite an experience! First of all, driving on the opposite side of the road is nerve-wracking. Then there's the aspect that there appear to be no traffic laws ... honking, weaving, gesturing are all the norm. But it's still scary from the front left seat with no steering wheel, and more importantly, no brake pedal!
After a wonderful lunch at a restaurant across the way, I tried to get online at the hotel to update the blog, and that was a frustrating experience. There is an Internet connection in the lobby so in the morning before church I had been able to briefly get online to check email and chat with my beautiful wife, and the connection had been ok. But in the afternoon it was horribly slow. After a couple of hours attempting to upload pictures I went across the street to an Internet cafe and tried from there. The connection was a little faster and after 3 ½ hours I was able to complete the blog, upload the pictures and send a brief video greeting for Christian Challenge's Sunday morning service.

These carts were built to honor one of the many gods of the valley. The rain god was celebrated for providing nourishment to the ground in preparation for the planting and harvest. Supposedly hundreds of years ago one particularly pious farmer had been awarded the jeweled vest directly from the rain god and each year at this festival that act is celebrated in hopes of appeasing the god for one more year.

During the afternoon Patrick and Abraham (the CSC Asia director, based in India) interviewed several of the brothers as they arrived. This is the first time we have met the brothers in person, although Patrick has been corresponding with them for many months. Then we headed out to supper at another restaurant across the street. I slipped out early to try to catch the live Internet broadcast of our Sunday morning service but the Internet connection was still down at the hotel and the Internet cafe was closed. While I was disappointed at not being able to watch the service, it worked out well because I was exhausted and was able to get on to bed. I'm writing this early Monday morning as we prepare to begin our full day of meetings
Please pray for us that the Lord will allow us to communicate clearly the vision and mission of CSC and have discernment as to each person's involvement in CSC as well as who the national director should be. Thank you again for the spiritual support!
Nathan <><
P.S. I've uploaded a few more pictures to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nathanmartin/sets/72157600727895094/. I haven't had a chance to add descriptions but perhaps you will enjoy them anyhow.
All these pictures serve to put a face on what is happening in that part of the world. Keep them coming. I think it would be good to put your blog reports in a binder for the CCI library.
It touched my heart to know about the Baptist Church with 400 members, and to see how many other Christian ministries are making inroads into Nepal.
I also rejoice that the king of Nepal is becoming essentially a figurehead. The more democratic a nation becomes, the better for the gospel message. (As a rule.)
Of course we know who is behind all these barriers colming down.
One thing that I really appreciate about your trip is that they show the homework in place beforehand. Patrick did a great job determining who CSC needed to meet with. Without careful planning it is so easy to pick up a rogue.
On the home front, as for the two ministries on Sunday, they didn't tire me at all. I am very much enlivened. (The Word of God makes you alive.) It reminds me a bit of the early days of Christian Challenge when I was doing seven ministries a week.
Everything is going well here. Had a pretty good turn out Sunday morning.
The Sunday evening group is also doing quite well. We have between 25 to 30 with us. It a very relaxing time. Last evening I sat on a stool during the ministry. Had plenty of input from the members. I love it when sharing time comes.
Son, you can be sure that your requests for prayer are taken seriously. This trip is well covered. We are looking forward to you sharing with Christian Challenge at our general membership meeting on the 22nd.
Dad and Mom
Hi Dad,
Thanks for the kind words. I'm really enjoying chronicling this trip electronically. To be able to share pictures and an occasional video is definitely a neat way to connect with the prayer warriors back home. Of course, at this rate, I might not have anything unshared left for our general membership meeting! :) And we can definitely feel the prayer support! Seriously! I've got to run, but thanks for the update!
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