Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Moving on up!!!

As the theme song from the Jefferson's plays in my mind, I begin the transition to I had kept a blog over at LiveJournal but during the aftermath of the hurricanes of 2005 it languished. Then I learned that some of my friends couldn't read blogs at LiveJournal but could at Blogger. And a good friend also moved his blog from LiveJournal to Blogger and I really like the way it looks. So, I'm moving on up!!!

So, what can you expect from this blog? Well, here's a repost of part of my first post over at LiveJournal:

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That's a terrific title, isn't it? "First Post" - So original! But this really is my first post! I've read many blogs and toyed with the idea but I've never 1)been brave enough, 2)had enough time, 3)considered myself interesting enough that others would care to read, 4)known how to limit my life to just one area to blog about. For example, do I blog about my life as ...
a pastor,
a businessman,
a family man,
a father,
a politician,
a civic-minded individual,
a missionary
or just an ordinary joe? My interests are varied and eclectic - reading, technology, music, computers, web design, worship, missions, history, travel, etc. So what do I blog about?That's a good question. I guess I'll find out over the days and weeks ahead. This should be an interesting experience, for me at least. Hopefully along the way someone else might read something that they appreciate, enjoy or that motivates them in some area of their life. In the meantime, check out my friend Joel Dyke's blog - he's the one who got me started in this!


P.S. I'm writing this from Costa Rica where I'm currently on a short term missions trip speaking at and translating for a Christians Sharing Christ missions conference and visiting Stephen & Georgiana Thomas, missionaries our church supports that are overseeing the construction and administration of a children's home in conjunction with a local church. Ain't the Internet grand?!!!

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Well, that about wraps it up. I hope to keep this updated regularly and look forward to your comments. See ya soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome, i can comment you even tho I haven't got a blog on their site! woot woot!